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Let‘s get together for a morning for members sharing their stories and cars.
Venice Community Center
Room D
Monthly General Membership Meeting
VFC Committee Chair Meeting
Carlisle Car Auctions comes to Lakeland, Florida for a two day event! In February they will be in Lakeland on Feb 7th - 8th. Each year they offer our Club the opportunity to raise money for our Club by providing members who will drive the cars across the auction block. It is great fun to see and drive all sorts of automobiles, from 1940 classic trucks to late model sports cars...some are beauties, some are clunkers. You never know what you will get to see and drive.
Carlisle Car Auctions is coming back to Lakeland, Florida for a two day event. In February they will be in Lakeland on Feb. 7th - 8th. Each year they offer our Club the opportunity to raise money for our Club by providing members who will drive the cars across the auction block. It is great fun to see and drive all sorts of automobiles, from 1940 classic trucks to late model sports cars...some are beauties, some are clunkers. You never know what you will get to see and drive.
Ladies get together to enjoy seafood and comaradie.
Dress is smart casual. NO yellow shirts.
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
Amvets Post 312 Car Show Presented by Florida Gulf Coast Car Club on the third Wednesday of every month. Located at 7050 Chancellor Blvd, North Port, FL
Door Prizes, 50/50 and Trophies. Registration on Site $5. 3PM to 6PM
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
Men‘s Breakfast at Skillets
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
VFC 8 Day Winter Cruise leaving from Port of Tampa Bay, with stops in Key West, Belize City, and Punta Maya.
William H. Jervey, Jr. Venice Public Library
VFC Board of Directors Meeting. All Members Welcome.